Want a chance at winning up to $25 this battle pass event, you can purchase this months battle pass for a chance!
You can head over to the store now to purchase your battle pass
Don't forget, purchasing a battle pass will not only offer you unique buffs, but also help the game, myself and the team!
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Bot commands
Here is a full list of the commands currently working in RPGCommunityBot.
$rpg claim archery
As long as your archery is under 5 and you have less than 250 arrows, you will be given a bow and 250 stone arrows.
$rpg guide
Need some help getting started? Use this command to get a direct link to our player created guide
$rpg raid {biome}
When the raid opportunity occurs, you will be able to conduct a raid on a biome of your choice. Raids give a chance to win resources, as well as XP in the associated skill. (Available options: forest, ocean, mines.)
$rpg battle
When the battle opportunity occurs, a random horde can attack and you will be able to try to fend them off. Successful attempts will earn you resources and combat XP.
$rpg profile
Displays a link to your profile. This is a public page where all your items, coins and other information are displayed.
$rpg convert {amount}
Will convert gems into coins, 5 for non-subscribers and 10 for subscribers
$rpg wallet
Displays the current balance of your wallet.
$rpg daily
Sends a link to where you can claim a daily reward.
$rpg mymembership
Shows your current status of your membership
$rpg poke
Use this command at your own risk...
$rpg showoff cosmetic | warrior | archer | mage
Sets your avatar on a streamers channel
$rpg hatch {egg_name}
For those lucky enough to get a pet, this command will hatch the egg into a pet!
$rpg rank
Gets your current rank on the leaderboards
$rpg upgrade house | upgrade house {building_name}
Upgrade your house (or building) or see what resources are still required.
$rpg guild join
Allows you to join a streamers guild if they have one setup
$rpg guild donate {amount} {item}
Allows you to donate resources to the guild to help build new buildings
$rpg guild shop easy dungeon raid scroll
Purchases the scroll to start a dungeon
$rpg guild raid prepare
Starts the dungeon, this will allow people to join
$rpg guild raid join
Joins an active dungeon raid in a guild
$rpg guild raid users
Displays all the users in the current active guild raid
$rpg guild raid begin
Once everyone has joined, it will start the dungeon.
Disable / enabled a response from the bot from certain guild messages
$rpg guild resource
You are now able to choose between different tiers food resources you're using to increase the damage per player. You can go from tier 1 to tier 5, with an increase of 25% guild damage for tier 1 up to 125% increase guild damage at tier 5. Tier 1 uses 100 food per player, tier 5 uses 12500 food per player.
$rpg guild moderator
How to add someone as guild moderator that can help with boss summoning, claiming and beginning/preparing guild raids. $rpg guild mod (username) and in order to remove a moderator you do $rpg guild demod (username)
$rpg boss summon {boss_name}
Summons a boss in your channel which players will be able to attack for loot
$rpg boss info
Gets the current health remaining on the active boss in stream.
$rpg boss claim
Claims the boss loot once defeated, command only available to streamer.
$rpg boss auto
Will spawn the last boss that was spawned and the tier until you run out of scrolls or gems.
$rpg cast
Casts a spell which requires mana points, not providing a name of the spells you want will default to your set spells
$rpg cast {spell1}, {spell2}, {spell3}
Casts a spell which requires mana points
$rpg default-cast {spell1}, {spell2}
Sets your default cast, these spells will be used when using `$rpg cast`
$rpg my-mana
Displays how much mana your character has
$rpg buffs
Displays your current active buffs
$rpg drink {item_name}
Drinks a potion
$rpg consume-mana-potion || $rpg cmp
Enables auto mana potion consumption, this will auto use mana potions while crafting in bulk
$rpg inventory | inven | inv {item_name}
Displays the amount an item that you have in your inventory
$rpg make {amount} {item}
Provided you have the requisite resources, crafts an item, giving you XP in the associated skill and placing the item in your inventory. If you do not enter an quantity, it will default to one. (please note, craft still works on this command, but we're migrating it to make)'
$rpg dismantle | dmt {amount} {item_name}
Will dismantle items for 20% of their crafting materials, see list here