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Build a house to unlock useful buffs. Here are all the houses you can build and the materials you need.

Standard house

Level: 1

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • One minute reduced from your biome raid cooldown
  • Ability to craft a `bucket of water`
  • Unlocks the `tier 1 armoury` property

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Nothing

Supplies required

Upgraded house

Level: 2

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • One minute reduced from your biome raid cooldown

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Own a `standard house`

Supplies required

Modern house

Level: 3

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • One minute reduced from your biome raid cooldown

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Own a `Upgraded house`

Supplies required

Upgraded Modern house

Level: 4

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • One minute reduced from your biome raid cooldown

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Own a `Modern house`

Supplies required

Styled modern house

Level: 5

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • One minute reduced from your biome raid cooldown

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Own a `Upgraded modern house`

Supplies required

Modern mansion

Level: 6

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • One minute reduced from your biome raid cooldown

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Own a `Styled modern house`

Supplies required

Upgraded modern mansion

Level: 7

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • One minute reduced from your biome raid cooldown

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Own a `Modern mansion`

Supplies required

Styled modern mansion

Level: 8

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • One minute reduced from your biome raid cooldown

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Own a `Upgraded modern mansion`

Supplies required


Level: 9

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • One minute reduced from your biome raid cooldown

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Own a `Styled modern mansion`

Supplies required

Gilded palace

Level: 10

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • One minute reduced from your biome raid cooldown

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Own a `Palace`

Supplies required

Extended property Tier 1

Level: 11

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • An additional 50 mana added to your total

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Own a `Guilded palace`

Supplies required

Extended property Tier 2

Level: 12

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • An additional 1% chance to not consume your tool during a biome raid

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Own a `Extended property 1`

Supplies required

Extended property Tier 3

Level: 13

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • 1% chance to obtain double the loot from a guild raid

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Own a `Extended property 2`

Supplies required

Extended property Tier 4

Level: 14

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • 1% chance that you'll deal double the kills during a battle

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Own a `Extended property 3`

Supplies required

Extended property Tier 5

Level: 15

Once you obtain this property, you will be awarded with:

  • 1% increase to recieve a unique pet

To be able to build this building, you'll need:

  • Own a `Extended property 4`

Supplies required

Extended property Tier 6

Level: 16

Supplies required

Extended property Tier 7

Level: 17

Supplies required

Extended property Tier 8

Level: 18

Supplies required

Extended property Tier 9

Level: 19

Supplies required

Extended property Tier 10

Level: 20

Supplies required