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Items that can be dismantled

Apple Apple Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Apple seed Apple seed
(x 4)
Aqurazite axe Aqurazite axe Level 40 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Aqurazite bar Aqurazite bar
(x 1)
Yew logs Yew logs
(x 1)
Aqurazite boots Aqurazite boots Level 42 salvaging 150 experience points 0 mana points
Aqurazite bar Aqurazite bar
(x 2)
Aqurazite chestplate Aqurazite chestplate Level 42 salvaging 375 experience points 0 mana points
Aqurazite bar Aqurazite bar
(x 5)
Aqurazite gauntlets Aqurazite gauntlets Level 42 salvaging 150 experience points 0 mana points
Aqurazite bar Aqurazite bar
(x 2)
Aqurazite helmet Aqurazite helmet Level 42 salvaging 150 experience points 0 mana points
Aqurazite bar Aqurazite bar
(x 2)
Aqurazite pickaxe Aqurazite pickaxe Level 40 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Aqurazite bar Aqurazite bar
(x 1)
Aqurazite platelegs Aqurazite platelegs Level 42 salvaging 300 experience points 0 mana points
Aqurazite bar Aqurazite bar
(x 4)
Aqurazite shield Aqurazite shield Level 42 salvaging 225 experience points 0 mana points
Aqurazite bar Aqurazite bar
(x 3)
Aqurazite sword Aqurazite sword Level 42 salvaging 150 experience points 0 mana points
Aqurazite bar Aqurazite bar
(x 2)
Blood dragon leather Blood dragon leather Level 45 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Chaotic leather Chaotic leather
(x 1)
Blood shard Blood shard Level 80 salvaging 150 experience points 0 mana points
Blood shard fragment Blood shard fragment
(x 4)
Bow Bow Level 1 salvaging 10 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 2)
Bowstring Bowstring
(x 1)
Bronze big resource chest Bronze big resource chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 15000)
Stone Stone
(x 15000)
Stone arrow Stone arrow
(x 15000)
Clay Clay
(x 15000)
Compost Compost
(x 15000)
Bronze boss scroll chest Bronze boss scroll chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Kozmas summon Kozmas summon
(x 25)
Malus Herba summon Malus Herba summon
(x 25)
Chorzone miniboss summon Chorzone miniboss summon
(x 10)
Moonstone crest Moonstone crest
(x 10)
Dragorite dragon summon Dragorite dragon summon
(x 25)
Bronze currency chest Bronze currency chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Fisherman token Fisherman token
(x 4)
Lumberjack token Lumberjack token
(x 4)
Miner token Miner token
(x 4)
Bronze jewellery chest Bronze jewellery chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Gold ring Gold ring
(x 50)
Sapphire ring Sapphire ring
(x 50)
Emerald ring Emerald ring
(x 50)
Ruby ring Ruby ring
(x 50)
Diamond ring Diamond ring
(x 50)
Amethyst ring Amethyst ring
(x 50)
Topaz ring Topaz ring
(x 50)
Bronze outfit chest Bronze outfit chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Bronze anniversary warrior boots Bronze anniversary warrior boots
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary warrior gloves Bronze anniversary warrior gloves
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary warrior pants Bronze anniversary warrior pants
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary warrior body Bronze anniversary warrior body
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary warrior helm Bronze anniversary warrior helm
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary warrior sword Bronze anniversary warrior sword
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary mage boots Bronze anniversary mage boots
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary mage gloves Bronze anniversary mage gloves
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary mage pants Bronze anniversary mage pants
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary mage body Bronze anniversary mage body
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary mage hat Bronze anniversary mage hat
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary mage staff Bronze anniversary mage staff
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary archer boots Bronze anniversary archer boots
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary archer gloves Bronze anniversary archer gloves
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary archer pants Bronze anniversary archer pants
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary archer body Bronze anniversary archer body
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary archer hood Bronze anniversary archer hood
(x 1)
Bronze anniversary archer bow Bronze anniversary archer bow
(x 1)
Bronze potion chest Bronze potion chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Medium raid potion Medium raid potion
(x 25)
Medium looting potion Medium looting potion
(x 25)
Medium strength potion Medium strength potion
(x 25)
Medium agile potion Medium agile potion
(x 25)
Mana potion Mana potion
(x 200)
Medium boss battle potion Medium boss battle potion
(x 25)
Medium ammo preservation potion Medium ammo preservation potion
(x 25)
Medium accuracy potion Medium accuracy potion
(x 25)
Medium mining potion Medium mining potion
(x 25)
Medium fisherman potion Medium fisherman potion
(x 25)
Medium guild potion Medium guild potion
(x 25)
Bronze raid chest Bronze raid chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Elven city raid Elven city raid
(x 10)
Bronze resource chest Bronze resource chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 2000)
Stone Stone
(x 2000)
Stone arrow Stone arrow
(x 2000)
Clay Clay
(x 2000)
Compost Compost
(x 2000)
Bronze slayer chest Bronze slayer chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Bucket of water Bucket of water
(x 2500)
Fungi spray Fungi spray
(x 2500)
Wooden stake Wooden stake
(x 2500)
Bag of salt Bag of salt
(x 2500)
Silver throwing knife Silver throwing knife
(x 2500)
Mirror Mirror
(x 2500)
Golden conductor shell Golden conductor shell
(x 2500)
Poison spider antidote Poison spider antidote
(x 2500)
Bronze tool chest Bronze tool chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Iron axe Iron axe
(x 50)
Iron pickaxe Iron pickaxe
(x 50)
Fishing rod Fishing rod
(x 50)
Stone pickaxe Stone pickaxe
(x 50)
Copper pickaxe Copper pickaxe
(x 50)
Stone axe Stone axe
(x 50)
Copper axe Copper axe
(x 50)
Steel axe Steel axe
(x 50)
Mythryl axe Mythryl axe
(x 50)
Steel pickaxe Steel pickaxe
(x 50)
Mythryl pickaxe Mythryl pickaxe
(x 50)
Aqurazite pickaxe Aqurazite pickaxe
(x 50)
Aqurazite axe Aqurazite axe
(x 50)
Bucket Bucket Level 1 salvaging 10 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 1)
Cactus Cactus Level 1 salvaging 2 experience points 0 mana points
Cactus seed Cactus seed
(x 1)
Candy outfit set Candy outfit set Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Candy boots Candy boots
(x 1)
Candy gloves Candy gloves
(x 1)
Candy legs Candy legs
(x 1)
Candy body Candy body
(x 1)
Candy helm Candy helm
(x 1)
Candy shield Candy shield
(x 1)
Candy sword Candy sword
(x 1)
Chaos dragon leather Chaos dragon leather Level 45 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Chaotic leather Chaotic leather
(x 1)
Copper axe Copper axe Level 5 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Copper bar Copper bar
(x 1)
Oak logs Oak logs
(x 1)
Copper boots Copper boots Level 5 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Copper bar Copper bar
(x 2)
Wolf fur Wolf fur
(x 1)
Copper chestplate Copper chestplate Level 5 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Copper bar Copper bar
(x 5)
Copper dragon set Copper dragon set Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Copper dragon summon Copper dragon summon
(x 5)
Copper dragon boots Copper dragon boots
(x 1)
Copper dragon guantlets Copper dragon guantlets
(x 1)
Copper dragon legs Copper dragon legs
(x 1)
Copper dragon body Copper dragon body
(x 1)
Copper dragon wings Copper dragon wings
(x 1)
Copper dragon helmet Copper dragon helmet
(x 1)
Copper gauntlets Copper gauntlets Level 5 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Copper bar Copper bar
(x 2)
Wolf fur Wolf fur
(x 1)
Copper helmet Copper helmet Level 5 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Copper bar Copper bar
(x 2)
Copper pickaxe Copper pickaxe Level 5 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Copper bar Copper bar
(x 1)
Copper platelegs Copper platelegs Level 5 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Copper bar Copper bar
(x 4)
Copper shield Copper shield Level 5 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 1)
Copper bar Copper bar
(x 3)
Copper sword Copper sword Level 5 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 1)
Copper bar Copper bar
(x 2)
Crops seed crate Crops seed crate Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Wheat seed Wheat seed
(x 25)
Potato Potato
(x 25)
Carrot Carrot
(x 25)
Watermelon seed Watermelon seed
(x 25)
Cabbage seed Cabbage seed
(x 25)
Strawberry seed Strawberry seed
(x 25)
Diamond mahogany staff Diamond mahogany staff Level 50 salvaging 500 experience points 0 mana points
Mahogany logs Mahogany logs
(x 2)
Diamond oak staff Diamond oak staff Level 20 salvaging 200 experience points 0 mana points
Oak logs Oak logs
(x 2)
Diamond redwood staff Diamond redwood staff Level 70 salvaging 700 experience points 0 mana points
Redwood logs Redwood logs
(x 2)
Diamond silk hood Diamond silk hood Level 40 salvaging 25 experience points 0 mana points
Diamond Diamond
(x 2)
Silk Silk
(x 2)
Diamond silk top Diamond silk top Level 40 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Diamond Diamond
(x 5)
Silk Silk
(x 5)
Diamond staff Diamond staff Level 10 salvaging 100 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 2)
Diamond teak staff Diamond teak staff Level 40 salvaging 400 experience points 0 mana points
Teak logs Teak logs
(x 2)
Diamond willow staff Diamond willow staff Level 30 salvaging 300 experience points 0 mana points
Willow logs Willow logs
(x 2)
Diamond yew staff Diamond yew staff Level 60 salvaging 600 experience points 0 mana points
Yew logs Yew logs
(x 2)
Dragorite axe Dragorite axe Level 60 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Dragorite bar Dragorite bar
(x 1)
Dragorite boots Dragorite boots Level 67 salvaging 200 experience points 0 mana points
Dragorite bar Dragorite bar
(x 2)
Dragorite chestplate Dragorite chestplate Level 67 salvaging 500 experience points 0 mana points
Dragorite bar Dragorite bar
(x 5)
Dragorite gauntlets Dragorite gauntlets Level 67 salvaging 200 experience points 0 mana points
Dragorite bar Dragorite bar
(x 2)
Dragorite helmet Dragorite helmet Level 67 salvaging 200 experience points 0 mana points
Dragorite bar Dragorite bar
(x 2)
Dragorite pickaxe Dragorite pickaxe Level 60 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Dragorite bar Dragorite bar
(x 1)
Dragorite platelegs Dragorite platelegs Level 67 salvaging 400 experience points 0 mana points
Dragorite bar Dragorite bar
(x 4)
Dragorite shield Dragorite shield Level 67 salvaging 300 experience points 0 mana points
Dragorite bar Dragorite bar
(x 3)
Dragorite sword Dragorite sword Level 67 salvaging 200 experience points 0 mana points
Dragorite bar Dragorite bar
(x 2)
Emerald mahogany staff Emerald mahogany staff Level 50 salvaging 375 experience points 0 mana points
Mahogany logs Mahogany logs
(x 2)
Emerald necklace Emerald necklace Level 30 salvaging 75 experience points 0 mana points
Gold bar Gold bar
(x 1)
Emerald Emerald
(x 1)
Emerald oak staff Emerald oak staff Level 20 salvaging 150 experience points 0 mana points
Oak logs Oak logs
(x 2)
Emerald redwood staff Emerald redwood staff Level 70 salvaging 525 experience points 0 mana points
Redwood logs Redwood logs
(x 2)
Emerald ring Emerald ring Level 30 salvaging 75 experience points 0 mana points
Gold bar Gold bar
(x 1)
Emerald Emerald
(x 1)
Emerald silk hood Emerald silk hood Level 30 salvaging 20 experience points 0 mana points
Emerald Emerald
(x 2)
Silk Silk
(x 2)
Emerald silk top Emerald silk top Level 30 salvaging 40 experience points 0 mana points
Emerald Emerald
(x 5)
Silk Silk
(x 5)
Emerald staff Emerald staff Level 10 salvaging 75 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 2)
Emerald teak staff Emerald teak staff Level 40 salvaging 300 experience points 0 mana points
Teak logs Teak logs
(x 2)
Emerald willow staff Emerald willow staff Level 30 salvaging 225 experience points 0 mana points
Willow logs Willow logs
(x 2)
Emerald yew staff Emerald yew staff Level 60 salvaging 450 experience points 0 mana points
Yew logs Yew logs
(x 2)
Enchanted moonstone necklace Enchanted moonstone necklace Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Enchanted moonstone ring Enchanted moonstone ring Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Flower seed crate Flower seed crate Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Sunflower seed Sunflower seed
(x 25)
Rose seed Rose seed
(x 25)
Lily seed Lily seed
(x 25)
Wheat seed Wheat seed
(x 25)
Frost dragon leather Frost dragon leather Level 45 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Chaotic leather Chaotic leather
(x 1)
Gold big resource chest Gold big resource chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 25000)
Stone Stone
(x 25000)
Stone arrow Stone arrow
(x 25000)
Clay Clay
(x 25000)
Compost Compost
(x 25000)
Gold boss scroll chest Gold boss scroll chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Kozmas summon Kozmas summon
(x 80)
Malus Herba summon Malus Herba summon
(x 80)
Chorzone miniboss summon Chorzone miniboss summon
(x 80)
Moonstone crest Moonstone crest
(x 25)
Dragorite dragon summon Dragorite dragon summon
(x 80)
Gold currency chest Gold currency chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Fisherman token Fisherman token
(x 8)
Lumberjack token Lumberjack token
(x 8)
Miner token Miner token
(x 8)
Gold jewellery chest Gold jewellery chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Gold ring Gold ring
(x 200)
Sapphire ring Sapphire ring
(x 200)
Emerald ring Emerald ring
(x 200)
Ruby ring Ruby ring
(x 200)
Diamond ring Diamond ring
(x 200)
Amethyst ring Amethyst ring
(x 200)
Topaz ring Topaz ring
(x 200)
Gold outfit chest Gold outfit chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Gold anniversary warrior boots Gold anniversary warrior boots
(x 1)
Gold anniversary warrior gloves Gold anniversary warrior gloves
(x 1)
Gold anniversary warrior pants Gold anniversary warrior pants
(x 1)
Gold anniversary warrior body Gold anniversary warrior body
(x 1)
Gold anniversary warrior helm Gold anniversary warrior helm
(x 1)
Gold anniversary warrior sword Gold anniversary warrior sword
(x 1)
Gold anniversary mage boots Gold anniversary mage boots
(x 1)
Gold anniversary mage gloves Gold anniversary mage gloves
(x 1)
Gold anniversary mage pants Gold anniversary mage pants
(x 1)
Gold anniversary mage body Gold anniversary mage body
(x 1)
Gold anniversary mage hat Gold anniversary mage hat
(x 1)
Gold anniversary mage staff Gold anniversary mage staff
(x 1)
Gold anniversary archer boots Gold anniversary archer boots
(x 1)
Gold anniversary archer gloves Gold anniversary archer gloves
(x 1)
Gold anniversary archer pants Gold anniversary archer pants
(x 1)
Gold anniversary archer body Gold anniversary archer body
(x 1)
Gold anniversary archer hood Gold anniversary archer hood
(x 1)
Gold anniversary archer bow Gold anniversary archer bow
(x 1)
Gold potion chest Gold potion chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Massive raid potion Massive raid potion
(x 25)
Massive looting potion Massive looting potion
(x 25)
Massive strength potion Massive strength potion
(x 25)
Massive agile potion Massive agile potion
(x 25)
Mana potion Mana potion
(x 400)
Massive boss battle potion Massive boss battle potion
(x 25)
Massive ammo preservation potion Massive ammo preservation potion
(x 25)
Massive accuracy potion Massive accuracy potion
(x 25)
Massive mining potion Massive mining potion
(x 25)
Massive fisherman potion Massive fisherman potion
(x 25)
Massive guild potion Massive guild potion
(x 25)
Gold raid chest Gold raid chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Elven city raid Elven city raid
(x 25)
Gold resource chest Gold resource chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 5000)
Stone Stone
(x 5000)
Stone arrow Stone arrow
(x 5000)
Clay Clay
(x 5000)
Compost Compost
(x 5000)
Gold ring Gold ring Level 1 salvaging 10 experience points 0 mana points
Gold bar Gold bar
(x 1)
Gold slayer chest Gold slayer chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Bucket of water Bucket of water
(x 10000)
Fungi spray Fungi spray
(x 10000)
Wooden stake Wooden stake
(x 10000)
Bag of salt Bag of salt
(x 10000)
Silver throwing knife Silver throwing knife
(x 10000)
Mirror Mirror
(x 10000)
Golden conductor shell Golden conductor shell
(x 10000)
Poison spider antidote Poison spider antidote
(x 10000)
Gold tool chest Gold tool chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Iron axe Iron axe
(x 200)
Iron pickaxe Iron pickaxe
(x 200)
Fishing rod Fishing rod
(x 200)
Stone pickaxe Stone pickaxe
(x 200)
Copper pickaxe Copper pickaxe
(x 200)
Stone axe Stone axe
(x 200)
Copper axe Copper axe
(x 200)
Steel axe Steel axe
(x 200)
Mythryl axe Mythryl axe
(x 200)
Steel pickaxe Steel pickaxe
(x 200)
Mythryl pickaxe Mythryl pickaxe
(x 200)
Aqurazite pickaxe Aqurazite pickaxe
(x 200)
Aqurazite axe Aqurazite axe
(x 200)
Ice slime ball Ice slime ball Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 1)
Iron axe Iron axe Level 10 salvaging 25 experience points 0 mana points
Iron bar Iron bar
(x 1)
Willow logs Willow logs
(x 1)
Iron boots Iron boots Level 10 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Iron bar Iron bar
(x 2)
Iron chestplate Iron chestplate Level 10 salvaging 125 experience points 0 mana points
Iron bar Iron bar
(x 5)
Iron dragon set Iron dragon set Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Iron dragon summon Iron dragon summon
(x 5)
Iron dragon boots Iron dragon boots
(x 1)
Iron dragon guantlets Iron dragon guantlets
(x 1)
Iron dragon legs Iron dragon legs
(x 1)
Iron dragon body Iron dragon body
(x 1)
Iron dragon wings Iron dragon wings
(x 1)
Iron dragon helmet Iron dragon helmet
(x 1)
Iron gauntlets Iron gauntlets Level 10 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Iron bar Iron bar
(x 2)
Iron helmet Iron helmet Level 10 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Iron bar Iron bar
(x 2)
Iron pickaxe Iron pickaxe Level 10 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Iron bar Iron bar
(x 1)
Iron platelegs Iron platelegs Level 10 salvaging 100 experience points 0 mana points
Iron bar Iron bar
(x 4)
Iron shield Iron shield Level 10 salvaging 75 experience points 0 mana points
Iron bar Iron bar
(x 3)
Oak logs Oak logs
(x 1)
Iron sword Iron sword Level 10 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Iron bar Iron bar
(x 2)
Jungle slime ball Jungle slime ball Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Lava slime ball Lava slime ball Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Lead axe Lead axe Level 1 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Lead bar Lead bar
(x 1)
Oak logs Oak logs
(x 1)
Mahogany bow Mahogany bow Level 30 salvaging 100 experience points 0 mana points
Mahogany logs Mahogany logs
(x 2)
Bowstring Bowstring
(x 1)
Mahogany staff Mahogany staff Level 30 salvaging 60 experience points 0 mana points
Mahogany logs Mahogany logs
(x 2)
Moonstone Moonstone Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Moonstone crest Moonstone crest Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Mushroom Mushroom Level 15 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Mushroom spore Mushroom spore
(x 1)
Mythryl axe Mythryl axe Level 25 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Mahogany logs Mahogany logs
(x 1)
Mythryl bar Mythryl bar
(x 1)
Mythryl boots Mythryl boots Level 25 salvaging 100 experience points 0 mana points
Mythryl bar Mythryl bar
(x 2)
Mythryl chestplate Mythryl chestplate Level 25 salvaging 250 experience points 0 mana points
Mythryl bar Mythryl bar
(x 5)
Mythryl dragon set Mythryl dragon set Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Mythryl dragon summon Mythryl dragon summon
(x 6)
Mythryl dragon boots Mythryl dragon boots
(x 1)
Mythryl dragon gauntlets Mythryl dragon gauntlets
(x 1)
Mythryl dragon legs Mythryl dragon legs
(x 1)
Mythryl dragon body Mythryl dragon body
(x 1)
Mythryl dragon wings Mythryl dragon wings
(x 1)
Mythryl dragon helmet Mythryl dragon helmet
(x 1)
Mythryl gauntlets Mythryl gauntlets Level 25 salvaging 100 experience points 0 mana points
Mythryl bar Mythryl bar
(x 2)
Mythryl helmet Mythryl helmet Level 25 salvaging 100 experience points 0 mana points
Mythryl bar Mythryl bar
(x 2)
Mythryl pickaxe Mythryl pickaxe Level 40 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Mythryl bar Mythryl bar
(x 1)
Mythryl platelegs Mythryl platelegs Level 25 salvaging 200 experience points 0 mana points
Mythryl bar Mythryl bar
(x 4)
Mythryl shield Mythryl shield Level 25 salvaging 150 experience points 0 mana points
Mythryl bar Mythryl bar
(x 3)
Mythryl sword Mythryl sword Level 25 salvaging 100 experience points 0 mana points
Mythryl bar Mythryl bar
(x 2)
Oak bow Oak bow Level 5 salvaging 25 experience points 0 mana points
Oak logs Oak logs
(x 2)
Bowstring Bowstring
(x 1)
Oak staff Oak staff Level 5 salvaging 20 experience points 0 mana points
Oak logs Oak logs
(x 2)
Oxtizmite chestplate Oxtizmite chestplate Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Oxtizmite gauntlets Oxtizmite gauntlets Level 85 salvaging 10 experience points 100 mana points
Oxtizmite shard Oxtizmite shard
(x 1)
Oxtizmite platelegs Oxtizmite platelegs Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Oxtizmite shard Oxtizmite shard Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Oxtizmite shield Oxtizmite shield Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Oxtizmite sword Oxtizmite sword Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Pumpking boots Pumpking boots Level 1 salvaging 1 experience points 0 mana points
Pumpkin Pumpkin
(x 50)
Pumpking gloves Pumpking gloves Level 1 salvaging 1 experience points 0 mana points
Pumpkin Pumpkin
(x 50)
Pumpking head Pumpking head Level 1 salvaging 1 experience points 0 mana points
Pumpkin Pumpkin
(x 50)
Pumpking pants Pumpking pants Level 1 salvaging 1 experience points 0 mana points
Pumpkin Pumpkin
(x 50)
Pumpking sword Pumpking sword Level 1 salvaging 1 experience points 0 mana points
Pumpkin Pumpkin
(x 50)
Pumpking top Pumpking top Level 1 salvaging 1 experience points 0 mana points
Pumpkin Pumpkin
(x 50)
Redwood bow Redwood bow Level 50 salvaging 150 experience points 0 mana points
Bowstring Bowstring
(x 1)
Redwood logs Redwood logs
(x 2)
Redwood staff Redwood staff Level 50 salvaging 100 experience points 0 mana points
Redwood logs Redwood logs
(x 2)
Ruby mahogany staff Ruby mahogany staff Level 50 salvaging 250 experience points 0 mana points
Mahogany logs Mahogany logs
(x 2)
Ruby necklace Ruby necklace Level 20 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Gold bar Gold bar
(x 1)
Ruby Ruby
(x 1)
Ruby oak staff Ruby oak staff Level 20 salvaging 100 experience points 0 mana points
Oak logs Oak logs
(x 2)
Ruby redwood staff Ruby redwood staff Level 70 salvaging 350 experience points 0 mana points
Redwood logs Redwood logs
(x 2)
Ruby ring Ruby ring Level 20 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Gold bar Gold bar
(x 1)
Ruby Ruby
(x 1)
Ruby silk hood Ruby silk hood Level 20 salvaging 15 experience points 0 mana points
Ruby Ruby
(x 2)
Silk Silk
(x 2)
Ruby silk top Ruby silk top Level 20 salvaging 30 experience points 0 mana points
Ruby Ruby
(x 5)
Silk Silk
(x 5)
Ruby staff Ruby staff Level 10 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 2)
Ruby teak staff Ruby teak staff Level 40 salvaging 200 experience points 0 mana points
Teak logs Teak logs
(x 2)
Ruby willow staff Ruby willow staff Level 30 salvaging 150 experience points 0 mana points
Willow logs Willow logs
(x 2)
Ruby yew staff Ruby yew staff Level 60 salvaging 300 experience points 0 mana points
Yew logs Yew logs
(x 2)
Sandstone Sandstone Level 5 salvaging 1 experience points 0 mana points
Bucket of sand Bucket of sand
(x 2)
Sapphire mahogany staff Sapphire mahogany staff Level 25 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Mahogany logs Mahogany logs
(x 2)
Sapphire necklace Sapphire necklace Level 5 salvaging 25 experience points 0 mana points
Sapphire Sapphire
(x 1)
Gold bar Gold bar
(x 1)
Sapphire oak staff Sapphire oak staff Level 10 salvaging 20 experience points 0 mana points
Oak logs Oak logs
(x 2)
Sapphire redwood staff Sapphire redwood staff Level 35 salvaging 70 experience points 0 mana points
Redwood logs Redwood logs
(x 2)
Sapphire ring Sapphire ring Level 5 salvaging 25 experience points 0 mana points
Sapphire Sapphire
(x 1)
Gold bar Gold bar
(x 1)
Sapphire silk hood Sapphire silk hood Level 10 salvaging 10 experience points 0 mana points
Sapphire Sapphire
(x 2)
Silk Silk
(x 2)
Sapphire silk top Sapphire silk top Level 10 salvaging 20 experience points 0 mana points
Sapphire Sapphire
(x 5)
Silk Silk
(x 5)
Sapphire staff Sapphire staff Level 5 salvaging 10 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 2)
Sapphire teak staff Sapphire teak staff Level 20 salvaging 40 experience points 0 mana points
Teak logs Teak logs
(x 2)
Sapphire willow staff Sapphire willow staff Level 15 salvaging 30 experience points 0 mana points
Willow logs Willow logs
(x 2)
Sapphire yew staff Sapphire yew staff Level 30 salvaging 60 experience points 0 mana points
Yew logs Yew logs
(x 2)
Shadow dragon leather Shadow dragon leather Level 45 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Chaotic leather Chaotic leather
(x 1)
Silk robe hood Silk robe hood Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Silk Silk
(x 2)
Silk robe top Silk robe top Level 1 salvaging 10 experience points 0 mana points
Silk Silk
(x 5)
Silver big resource chest Silver big resource chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 20000)
Stone Stone
(x 20000)
Stone arrow Stone arrow
(x 20000)
Clay Clay
(x 20000)
Compost Compost
(x 20000)
Silver boss scroll chest Silver boss scroll chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Kozmas summon Kozmas summon
(x 50)
Malus Herba summon Malus Herba summon
(x 50)
Chorzone miniboss summon Chorzone miniboss summon
(x 50)
Moonstone crest Moonstone crest
(x 20)
Dragorite dragon summon Dragorite dragon summon
(x 50)
Silver currency chest Silver currency chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Fisherman token Fisherman token
(x 6)
Lumberjack token Lumberjack token
(x 6)
Miner token Miner token
(x 6)
Silver jewellery chest Silver jewellery chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Gold ring Gold ring
(x 100)
Sapphire ring Sapphire ring
(x 100)
Emerald ring Emerald ring
(x 100)
Ruby ring Ruby ring
(x 100)
Diamond ring Diamond ring
(x 100)
Amethyst ring Amethyst ring
(x 100)
Topaz ring Topaz ring
(x 100)
Silver outfit chest Silver outfit chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Silver anniversary warrior boots Silver anniversary warrior boots
(x 1)
Silver anniversary warrior gloves Silver anniversary warrior gloves
(x 1)
Silver anniversary warrior pants Silver anniversary warrior pants
(x 1)
Silver anniversary warrior body Silver anniversary warrior body
(x 1)
Silver anniversary warrior helm Silver anniversary warrior helm
(x 1)
Silver anniversary warrior sword Silver anniversary warrior sword
(x 1)
Silver anniversary mage boots Silver anniversary mage boots
(x 1)
Silver anniversary mage gloves Silver anniversary mage gloves
(x 1)
Silver anniversary mage pants Silver anniversary mage pants
(x 1)
Silver anniversary mage body Silver anniversary mage body
(x 1)
Silver anniversary mage hat Silver anniversary mage hat
(x 1)
Silver anniversary mage staff Silver anniversary mage staff
(x 1)
Silver anniversary archer boots Silver anniversary archer boots
(x 1)
Silver anniversary archer gloves Silver anniversary archer gloves
(x 1)
Silver anniversary archer pants Silver anniversary archer pants
(x 1)
Silver anniversary archer body Silver anniversary archer body
(x 1)
Silver anniversary archer hood Silver anniversary archer hood
(x 1)
Silver anniversary archer bow Silver anniversary archer bow
(x 1)
Silver potion chest Silver potion chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Large raid potion Large raid potion
(x 25)
Large looting potion Large looting potion
(x 25)
Large strength potion Large strength potion
(x 25)
Large agile potion Large agile potion
(x 25)
Mana potion Mana potion
(x 300)
Large boss battle potion Large boss battle potion
(x 25)
Large ammo preservation potion Large ammo preservation potion
(x 25)
Large accuracy potion Large accuracy potion
(x 25)
Large mining potion Large mining potion
(x 25)
Large fisherman potion Large fisherman potion
(x 25)
Large guild potion Large guild potion
(x 25)
Silver raid chest Silver raid chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Elven city raid Elven city raid
(x 20)
Silver resource chest Silver resource chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 3000)
Stone Stone
(x 3000)
Stone arrow Stone arrow
(x 3000)
Clay Clay
(x 3000)
Compost Compost
(x 3000)
Silver slayer chest Silver slayer chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Bucket of water Bucket of water
(x 5000)
Fungi spray Fungi spray
(x 5000)
Wooden stake Wooden stake
(x 5000)
Bag of salt Bag of salt
(x 5000)
Silver throwing knife Silver throwing knife
(x 5000)
Mirror Mirror
(x 5000)
Golden conductor shell Golden conductor shell
(x 5000)
Poison spider antidote Poison spider antidote
(x 5000)
Silver tool chest Silver tool chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Iron axe Iron axe
(x 100)
Iron pickaxe Iron pickaxe
(x 100)
Fishing rod Fishing rod
(x 100)
Stone pickaxe Stone pickaxe
(x 100)
Copper pickaxe Copper pickaxe
(x 100)
Stone axe Stone axe
(x 100)
Copper axe Copper axe
(x 100)
Steel axe Steel axe
(x 100)
Mythryl axe Mythryl axe
(x 100)
Steel pickaxe Steel pickaxe
(x 100)
Mythryl pickaxe Mythryl pickaxe
(x 100)
Aqurazite pickaxe Aqurazite pickaxe
(x 100)
Aqurazite axe Aqurazite axe
(x 100)
Slayer resource pack Slayer resource pack Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Bucket of water Bucket of water
(x 250)
Fungi spray Fungi spray
(x 250)
Wooden stake Wooden stake
(x 250)
Bag of salt Bag of salt
(x 250)
Silver throwing knife Silver throwing knife
(x 250)
Mirror Mirror
(x 250)
Golden conductor shell Golden conductor shell
(x 250)
Poison spider antidote Poison spider antidote
(x 250)
Small clay pack Small clay pack Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Clay Clay
(x 250)
Small coconut pack Small coconut pack Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Coconut Coconut
(x 250)
Small glass pack Small glass pack Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Glass Glass
(x 250)
Staff Staff Level 1 salvaging 10 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 2)
Standard big resource chest Standard big resource chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 10000)
Stone Stone
(x 10000)
Stone arrow Stone arrow
(x 10000)
Clay Clay
(x 10000)
Compost Compost
(x 10000)
Standard boss scroll crate Standard boss scroll crate Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Kozmas summon Kozmas summon
(x 10)
Malus Herba summon Malus Herba summon
(x 10)
Chorzone miniboss summon Chorzone miniboss summon
(x 10)
Moonstone crest Moonstone crest
(x 5)
Dragorite dragon summon Dragorite dragon summon
(x 10)
Standard currency chest Standard currency chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Fisherman token Fisherman token
(x 2)
Lumberjack token Lumberjack token
(x 2)
Miner token Miner token
(x 2)
Standard jewellery chest Standard jewellery chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Gold ring Gold ring
(x 25)
Sapphire ring Sapphire ring
(x 25)
Emerald ring Emerald ring
(x 25)
Ruby ring Ruby ring
(x 25)
Diamond ring Diamond ring
(x 25)
Amethyst ring Amethyst ring
(x 25)
Topaz ring Topaz ring
(x 25)
Standard outfit chest Standard outfit chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Anniversary warrior boots Anniversary warrior boots
(x 1)
Anniversary warrior gloves Anniversary warrior gloves
(x 1)
Anniversary warrior pants Anniversary warrior pants
(x 1)
Anniversary warrior body Anniversary warrior body
(x 1)
Anniversary warrior helm Anniversary warrior helm
(x 1)
Anniversary warrior sword Anniversary warrior sword
(x 1)
Anniversary mage boots Anniversary mage boots
(x 1)
Anniversary mage gloves Anniversary mage gloves
(x 1)
Anniversary mage legs Anniversary mage legs
(x 1)
Anniversary mage body Anniversary mage body
(x 1)
Anniversary mage hat Anniversary mage hat
(x 1)
Anniversary mage staff Anniversary mage staff
(x 1)
Anniversary archer boots Anniversary archer boots
(x 1)
Anniversary archer gloves Anniversary archer gloves
(x 1)
Anniversary archer pants Anniversary archer pants
(x 1)
Anniversary archer body Anniversary archer body
(x 1)
Anniversary archer hood Anniversary archer hood
(x 1)
Anniversary archer bow Anniversary archer bow
(x 1)
Standard potion chest Standard potion chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Small raid potion Small raid potion
(x 25)
Small looting potion Small looting potion
(x 25)
Small strength potion Small strength potion
(x 25)
Small agile potion Small agile potion
(x 25)
Mana potion Mana potion
(x 100)
Small boss battle potion Small boss battle potion
(x 25)
Small ammo preservation potion Small ammo preservation potion
(x 25)
Small mining potion Small mining potion
(x 25)
Small woodcutting potion Small woodcutting potion
(x 25)
Small fisherman potion Small fisherman potion
(x 25)
Small guild potion Small guild potion
(x 25)
Standard raid chest Standard raid chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Elven city raid Elven city raid
(x 5)
Standard resource chest Standard resource chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 1000)
Stone Stone
(x 1000)
Stone arrow Stone arrow
(x 1000)
Clay Clay
(x 1000)
Compost Compost
(x 1000)
Standard slayer chest Standard slayer chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Bucket of water Bucket of water
(x 1000)
Fungi spray Fungi spray
(x 1000)
Wooden stake Wooden stake
(x 1000)
Bag of salt Bag of salt
(x 1000)
Silver throwing knife Silver throwing knife
(x 1000)
Mirror Mirror
(x 1000)
Golden conductor shell Golden conductor shell
(x 1000)
Poison spider antidote Poison spider antidote
(x 1000)
Standard tool chest Standard tool chest Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Iron axe Iron axe
(x 25)
Iron pickaxe Iron pickaxe
(x 25)
Fishing rod Fishing rod
(x 25)
Stone pickaxe Stone pickaxe
(x 25)
Copper pickaxe Copper pickaxe
(x 25)
Stone axe Stone axe
(x 25)
Copper axe Copper axe
(x 25)
Steel axe Steel axe
(x 25)
Mythryl axe Mythryl axe
(x 25)
Steel pickaxe Steel pickaxe
(x 25)
Mythryl pickaxe Mythryl pickaxe
(x 25)
Aqurazite pickaxe Aqurazite pickaxe
(x 25)
Aqurazite axe Aqurazite axe
(x 25)
Steel axe Steel axe Level 15 salvaging 40 experience points 0 mana points
Steel bar Steel bar
(x 1)
Teak logs Teak logs
(x 1)
Steel boots Steel boots Level 15 salvaging 66 experience points 0 mana points
Steel bar Steel bar
(x 2)
Steel chestplate Steel chestplate Level 15 salvaging 165 experience points 0 mana points
Steel bar Steel bar
(x 5)
Steel dragon set Steel dragon set Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Steel dragon summon Steel dragon summon
(x 6)
Steel dragon boots Steel dragon boots
(x 1)
Steel dragon gauntlets Steel dragon gauntlets
(x 1)
Steel dragon legs Steel dragon legs
(x 1)
Steel dragon body Steel dragon body
(x 1)
Steel dragon wings Steel dragon wings
(x 1)
Steel dragon helmet Steel dragon helmet
(x 1)
Steel gauntlets Steel gauntlets Level 15 salvaging 66 experience points 0 mana points
Steel bar Steel bar
(x 2)
Steel helmet Steel helmet Level 15 salvaging 66 experience points 0 mana points
Steel bar Steel bar
(x 2)
Steel pickaxe Steel pickaxe Level 15 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Steel bar Steel bar
(x 1)
Steel platelegs Steel platelegs Level 15 salvaging 132 experience points 0 mana points
Steel bar Steel bar
(x 4)
Steel shield Steel shield Level 15 salvaging 99 experience points 0 mana points
Steel bar Steel bar
(x 3)
Steel sword Steel sword Level 15 salvaging 66 experience points 0 mana points
Steel bar Steel bar
(x 2)
Stone axe Stone axe Level 1 salvaging 2 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 1)
Stone Stone
(x 2)
Stone pickaxe Stone pickaxe Level 1 salvaging 5 experience points 0 mana points
Logs Logs
(x 1)
Stone Stone
(x 3)
Sweetcorn Sweetcorn Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Teak bow Teak bow Level 20 salvaging 75 experience points 0 mana points
Teak logs Teak logs
(x 2)
Bowstring Bowstring
(x 1)
Teak staff Teak staff Level 25 salvaging 40 experience points 0 mana points
Teak logs Teak logs
(x 2)
Tree seed crate Tree seed crate Level 1 salvaging 0 experience points 0 mana points
Tree seed Tree seed
(x 10)
Acorn Acorn
(x 10)
Hairy seed Hairy seed
(x 10)
Teak seed Teak seed
(x 10)
Mahogany seed Mahogany seed
(x 10)
Werewolf boots Werewolf boots Level 30 salvaging 12 experience points 0 mana points
Werewolf hide Werewolf hide
(x 2)
Werewolf hide body Werewolf hide body Level 30 salvaging 30 experience points 0 mana points
Werewolf hide Werewolf hide
(x 5)
Werewolf hide bracers Werewolf hide bracers Level 30 salvaging 12 experience points 0 mana points
Werewolf hide Werewolf hide
(x 2)
Werewolf hide chaps Werewolf hide chaps Level 30 salvaging 12 experience points 0 mana points
Werewolf hide Werewolf hide
(x 4)
Werewolf hide helm Werewolf hide helm Level 30 salvaging 12 experience points 0 mana points
Werewolf hide Werewolf hide
(x 2)
Willow bow Willow bow Level 10 salvaging 50 experience points 0 mana points
Willow logs Willow logs
(x 2)
Bowstring Bowstring
(x 1)
Willow staff Willow staff Level 10 salvaging 30 experience points 0 mana points
Willow logs Willow logs
(x 2)
Wolf hide body Wolf hide body Level 10 salvaging 10 experience points 0 mana points
Wolf fur Wolf fur
(x 5)
Wolf hide boots Wolf hide boots Level 10 salvaging 4 experience points 0 mana points
Wolf fur Wolf fur
(x 2)
Wolf hide bracers Wolf hide bracers Level 10 salvaging 4 experience points 0 mana points
Wolf fur Wolf fur
(x 2)
Wolf hide chaps Wolf hide chaps Level 10 salvaging 8 experience points 0 mana points
Wolf fur Wolf fur
(x 4)
Wyvern hide body Wyvern hide body Level 20 salvaging 20 experience points 0 mana points
Wyvern hide Wyvern hide
(x 5)
Wyvern hide boots Wyvern hide boots Level 20 salvaging 25 experience points 0 mana points
Wyvern hide Wyvern hide
(x 2)
Wyvern hide bracers Wyvern hide bracers Level 20 salvaging 15 experience points 0 mana points
Wyvern hide Wyvern hide
(x 2)
Wyvern hide chaps Wyvern hide chaps Level 25 salvaging 20 experience points 0 mana points
Wyvern hide Wyvern hide
(x 3)
Yew bow Yew bow Level 40 salvaging 125 experience points 0 mana points
Bowstring Bowstring
(x 1)
Yew logs Yew logs
(x 2)
Yew staff Yew staff Level 40 salvaging 80 experience points 0 mana points
Yew logs Yew logs
(x 2)