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Item information

Standard tool chest

A chest containing a range of different tools, dismantle to obtain the rewards



False (+0)



Requires level 1 salvaging, grants 5 experience

Iron axe Iron axe 25
Iron pickaxe Iron pickaxe 25
Fishing rod Fishing rod 25
Stone pickaxe Stone pickaxe 25
Copper pickaxe Copper pickaxe 25
Stone axe Stone axe 25
Copper axe Copper axe 25
Steel axe Steel axe 25
Mythryl axe Mythryl axe 25
Steel pickaxe Steel pickaxe 25
Mythryl pickaxe Mythryl pickaxe 25
Aqurazite pickaxe Aqurazite pickaxe 25
Aqurazite axe Aqurazite axe 25