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Christmas Pets, Bosses & More

Christmas Pets 2023

This year, there are 8 Christmas pets available.

We Christmas Corgi can be obtained by gifting a sub to the artsfox twitch channel, the chance of getting this unique is 1 in 8, the Christmas Corgi egg is also a tradable item.

We have 5 new Christmas reskins; these reskins are the Slime pet, the Golem, the skeleton, the Wolf and the Spider. These can be obtained from the normal enemy spawns during a battle at a 1 in 4 chance to obtain them.

The Christmas penguin is a unique Christmas boss pet which can be obtained from the 'Blue Snowman' boss at 1 in 100 chance.

The Christmas raccoon will be obtainable on the 15th advent claim and the unique version will be obtainable on the 25th advent claim.

Christmas Items 2023

A Blue Snowman Summon can be obtained by completing any guild dungeon raid, including the final floor.


You can now obtain ToxicDevilTTV's second guild pet.

A new command is now available, use $rpg pelt {username} when you have snowballs in your inventory!