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Farming crops

Sometimes it's nice to take some time off from your adventures and get into the slow-pace life of a farmer. This page is dedicated to all the crops you can plant

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Wheat seed

Wheat seed level 1 farming required

200 experience granted

These seeds are planted 3 per plot and take 45 minutes to grow. When harvested, they yield 2-4 wheat and 2-4 straw.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Wheat 10 Farming experience Guaranteed 2–4


Straw 10 Farming experience Guaranteed 2–4

Tree seed

Tree seed level 5 farming required

2250 experience granted

You can plant this seed at 5 farming. It will take 800 minutes (13.3 hours) to grow, and yields 15-60 logs when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Logs 5 Farming experience Guaranteed 15–60


Acorn level 10 farming required

2875 experience granted

You can plant this seed at 10 farming. It will take 1,150 minutes (19.1 hours) to grow, and yields 15-60 oak logs when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity

Oak logs

Oak logs 15 Farming experience Guaranteed 15–60

Hairy seed

Hairy seed level 15 farming required

3350 experience granted

You can plant this seed at 15 farming. It will take 1,400 minutes (23.3 hours) to grow and yields 15-60 willow logs when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity

Willow logs

Willow logs 25 Farming experience Guaranteed 15–60

Teak seed

Teak seed level 25 farming required

4075 experience granted

You can plant this seed at 25 farming. It will take 1,850 minutes (30.8 hours) to grow and yields 15-60 teak logs when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity

Teak logs

Teak logs 40 Farming experience Guaranteed 15–60

Mahogany seed

Mahogany seed level 35 farming required

4950 experience granted

You can plant this seed at 35 farming. It will take 2,225 minutes (37.1 hours) to grow and yields 15-60 mahogany logs when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity

Mahogany logs

Mahogany logs 65 Farming experience Guaranteed 15–60

Roasted acorn

Roasted acorn level 15 farming required

2875 experience granted

You can plant this seed at 15 farming. It will take 1,150 minutes (19.1 hours) to grow, and yields 15-60 dark oak when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity

Dark oak logs

Dark oak logs 15 Farming experience Guaranteed 15–60

Apple seed

Apple seed level 10 farming required

2350 experience granted

You can plant this seed at 10 farming. It will take 888 minutes (14.8 hours) to grow and yields 2-16 apples and 10-60 logs when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Apple 5 Farming experience Guaranteed 2–16


Logs 5 Farming experience Guaranteed 10–60

Yew seed

Yew seed level 50 farming required

5480 experience granted

You can plant this seed at 50 farming. It will take 2,550 minutes (42.5 hours) to grow and yields 15-60 yew logs when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity

Yew logs

Yew logs 80 Farming experience Guaranteed 15–60


Potato level 2 farming required

500 experience granted

A delicious raw potato. This tuber can be grown or found, and takes 80 minutes to grow, yielding 2-6 potatoes.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Potato 25 Farming experience Guaranteed 2–6

Redwood seed

Redwood seed level 65 farming required

8025 experience granted

You can plant this seed at 65 farming. It will take 4,025 minutes (67.1 hours) to grow and yields 15-60 redwood logs when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity

Redwood logs

Redwood logs 110 Farming experience Guaranteed 2–60

Tomato seed

Tomato seed level 5 farming required

450 experience granted

These seeds are planted 3 per plot and require a farming level of 5. They will take 90 minutes to grow and yield 3-10 tomatoes when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Tomato 15 Farming experience Guaranteed 3–10


Carrot level 5 farming required

200 experience granted

Carrot is a food item, which can be used to create rabbit stew. Carrots can be replanted to grow more carrots, taking 90 minutes to grow.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Carrot 20 Farming experience Guaranteed 3–10

Sunflower seed

Sunflower seed level 7 farming required

250 experience granted

A seed which will grow into a sunflower. These flowers take 45 minutes to grow and yield 1-3 sunflowers.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Sunflower 5 Farming experience Guaranteed 1–3

Mushroom spore

Mushroom spore level 26 farming required

440 experience granted

You can plant this at 26 farming and it will take 240 minutes to grow. Once grown, you will harvest between 2-4 mushrooms with a 15% chance of growing a large mushroom.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Mushroom 4 Farming experience Guaranteed 1–3

Large mushroom

Large mushroom 8 Farming experience 1/15 1–1

Jute seed

Jute seed level 21 farming required

440 experience granted

You can plant this seed at 21 farming. It will take 90 minutes to grow and yields 2-8 jute fibres when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity

Jute fibre

Jute fibre 10 Farming experience Guaranteed 2–8

Palm tree seed

Palm tree seed level 82 farming required

1200 experience granted

You can plant this seed at 82 farming. It will take 3,150 minutes (52.5 hours) to grow and yields 15-60 coconuts when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Coconut 25 Farming experience Guaranteed 15–60

Malus herba seed

Malus herba seed level 65 farming required

50 experience granted

Be careful planting this seed. It is known to grow Malus herba bulbs which, when broken, will summon Malus herba in a channel. You can plant this seed at level 65 farming. It will take 10,080 minutes (168 hours) to grow and yields 1 malus herba summon when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity

Malus Herba summon

Malus Herba summon 25000 Farming experience Guaranteed 1–1

Lily seed

Lily seed level 35 farming required

200 experience granted

A seed which will grow into a lily. These flowers take 95 minutes to grow and yield 1-3 lilies.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Lily 2 Farming experience Guaranteed 1–3

Watermelon seed

Watermelon seed level 55 farming required

400 experience granted

You can plant this seed at level 55 farming, it will take 230 minutes to grow and yields 2-8 watermelons when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Watermelon 8 Farming experience Guaranteed 2–8

Cabbage seed

Cabbage seed level 14 farming required

220 experience granted

You can plant this seed at level 14 farming, it will take 110 minutes to grow and yields 2-8 cabbages when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Cabbage 8 Farming experience Guaranteed 2–8

Sweetcorn seed

Sweetcorn seed level 41 farming required

500 experience granted

You can plant this seed at level 41 farming, it will take 230 minutes to grow and yields 2-8 sweetcorn when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Sweetcorn 8 Farming experience Guaranteed 2–8

Strawberry seed

Strawberry seed level 24 farming required

200 experience granted

You can plant this seed at level 24 farming, it will take 230 minutes to grow and yields 2-8 strawberries when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Strawberry 8 Farming experience Guaranteed 2–8

fire seed

fire seed level 62 farming required

520 experience granted

Seeds that can only be found near volcanoes. You can plant this seed at level 62 farming, it will take 295 minutes to grow and yields 4-10 fire crop when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity

Fire crop

Fire crop 12 Farming experience Guaranteed 4–10

Rose seed

Rose seed level 18 farming required

110 experience granted

A seed which will grow into a rose. These flowers take 190 minutes to grow and yield 1-3 roses.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Rose 2 Farming experience Guaranteed 2–4

Cactus seed

Cactus seed level 29 farming required

200 experience granted

You can plant this seed at level 29 farming, it will take 390 minutes to grow and yields 2-8 cactus when harvested.

Item Experience Drop rate Quantity


Cactus 15 Farming experience Guaranteed 2–8