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Item information


A coconut is an item found in the desert, it can be used to craft fungi spray.



True (+0)


Dismantle from items

Item amount
Small coconut pack Small coconut pack x250

Raid Locations

Location Odds Quantity Skill Requirement
Desert Desert 1 / 2 2 - 4 Level 1 farming

Enemy drops

A list of enemies that drop this item.

Enemy Quantity Drop Rate
Chorzone 10 - 45 9
Jungle demon 100 - 500 1
Desert boss 100 - 500 1
Pumpata 1 - 1 250,000
Copper dragon 25 - 250 3
Iron dragon 50 - 350 3
Steel dragon 300 - 550 1
Mythryl dragon 500 - 1550 3
Aqurazite dragon 800 - 1900 3
Lead dragon 100 - 250 3

Items that use this

Item Ingredients
Fungi spray Fungi spray