Item information

Copper ore

A soft ore that can be smelted into bars. This is often the first metal that beginner blacksmiths smelt with.



True (+1)


Raid Locations

Location Odds Quantity Skill Requirement
Mines Mines 1 / 2 1 - 4 Level 5 mining
Meteorite Meteorite 1 / 2 4 - 8 Level 5 mining

Enemy drops

A list of enemies that drop this item.

Enemy Drop Rate
Golems 8
Skeleton Miner 5
Coal Titans 8
Rockslugs 1
Kozmas 2
Lava titan 1

Items that use this

Item Ingredients
Copper bar Copper bar
Copper ore Copper ore
(x 5)
Coal Coal
(x 2)
Fungi spray Fungi spray